The entire model can be inspected at any time by selecting the ``View model''-option, or a single major element may be inspected by selecting the ``View a major element''-option instead.
The boundaries of the major elements are displayed in yellow,
while wires generated by the discretizer are displayed in red
and blue. These have been discussed in ยง#sec:meshing#304>
The view of the model can be changed by zooming in or out with the + and - keys, by rotating it with the arrow keys, and by translating it sideways or up and down with the <#305#>L<#305#>, <#306#> R<#306#>, <#307#>U<#307#>, and <#308#>D<#308#> keys.
Any major element can be highlighted by hitting <#309#>S<#309#> and specifying the major element number. When viewing a single major element, this can be used to add other major elements to the picture. This feature is the only one that does not work with a monochrome graphics adapter, since the highlighted (white) colour cannot be distinguished from the other colours.